Conley's Horse Photos

2023 Taylors June Ride


Dennis and Edna Taylor held their usual annual June wagon ride near Branchville, Indiana over the 2nd weekend in June this year. As has become standard practice for the wagon rides of the Southern Indiana Draft Horse and Mule Association, we rode on Friday and Saturday with everyone heading back home early on Sunday morning. Everyone arrived on Thursday afternoon and there were 7 mules pulling 3 wagons and 1 buggy that rode on Friday. We had one additional buggy on Saturday. This was a big change from last year when we had 12 wagons and buggies on Saturday. It seems that several people were sick and others just had too much going on to be able to join us. Both days, we mainly rode the backroads of northern Perry County and even briefly strayed over into Crawford County enjoying the scenery and occasionally stopping to visit with old friends along the way. On Friday, we made our traditional lunch stop at the general store in Leopold. Edna provided us with great food each day and as always, no one went home hungry from this weekend. The weather over the weekend was wonderful with plenty of sunshine and high temperatures in the upper 70's. It dropped into the upper 40's at night which really made the campfire feel good. We had several old friends and visitors stop by on Friday evening and a few returned on Saturday night also. I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say a big THANK YOU to Dennis and Edna for making this another memorable weekend and to their neighbor Mick for letting us use his place to hold this event again this year!



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2023 Taylor's June Ride ...


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